
Postal Service Honors Pamela Mastin of Avon Park
for Over 27 Years of Dedicated Service

Pamela Mastin

AVON PARK, FL - As part of the United States Postal Service’s “For the Long Haul” initiative, we are proud to celebrate Pamela Mastin, a dedicated Retail Associate, who has faithfully served the Avon Park, FL community for over 27 years. Pamela’s unwavering commitment and exceptional service have made her a beloved figure in the neighborhood she serves. “For the Long Haul” is an initiative designed to honor the remarkable dedication of long-serving employees like Pamela, who have become integral parts of their communities. 


Over the years, Pamela has developed lasting relationships with her customers and takes great pride to make sure the treasures entrusted to the Postal Service make it to their destinations in good condition and in a timely manner. Pamela Mastin began her career with USPS on October 11, 1997, as a Part-Time Clerk. Shortly after being hired, she attended training classes in Tampa, FL to learn the operations and maintenance of the stamp vending machines and was entrusted with the upkeep of the machines.  


Today, she is the early Clerk, who sets the tone of the day. “I oversee and maintain the box section and I enjoy the challenge of all the small jobs involved to keep everything in order and running smoothly. I still enjoy working the window and interacting with my customers. I love bringing smiles to their faces. I am happy with my career with the Postal Service and proud to be a member of the postal family. Avon Park Postmaster Kerry Maraj expressed his appreciation for Pamela’s invaluable contributions to the success of the Postal Service. “Thank you for being an example of commitment and perseverance. You show up with the skills and strengths, regardless of the challenge. Thank you for being you and for inspiring us all in the process.”


The United States Postal Service has been an essential part of American life since its inception. Committed to providing reliable, affordable mail service to every address in the country, USPS plays a crucial role in maintaining communication and commerce across the nation.



PRESS RELEASE: United States Postal Service

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