
Volunteering Oppurtunities in Highlands County

 Volunteering is a great way to get out of the house and help your community, no matter the activity that you are doing. Everyone needs help sometimes. There are many organizations in Highlands County that ALWAYS appreciate a helpful volunteer and the donation of time is truly valuable in this day and age. April is Nation Volunteer Month, so there is no better time than the present to put on those work boots and get busy!

No matter your preferences, there is always someone, somewhere that needs your help.





 If you like to work with animals, the Humane Society is always looking for volunteers. There are constantly dogs, cats, hamsters, birds, and many more animals that are abandoned or dropped off that need our help! There are several ways that you can help them including: socializing the animals, kennel/cage cleaners, dog walkers, adoption assistants, vaccine/surgery assistants, fostering, clerical help and help with events and fundraising. Of course, there is always something to do, so you will never be bored! Find out more information on volunteering by visiting the website above!





 Another great places to donate your time is the Heartland Horses Equine Activities and Learning, Inc. Heartland Horses is an organization that helps children and adults that have both physical and mental disabilities improve their lives. No experience is needed to volunteer here and there are MANY opportunities available. Barn chores, horse care, office work, event committees, ground maintenance and MUCH more! They will take you whether its for a few hours a month or every day! There is no shortage of work to be done! Be sure to check out their website above for more information on volunteering for a great cause!



If you like to be hands-on, then we have the perfect suggestion! Habitat for Humanity is a community based organization that brings people together to build homes, a community, and of course, hope. There are TONS of different ways that you can help them. You can be a “construction volunteer”, which helps build the homes for the needy. No specific skills are required, except willingness to work as a team! You can be a “restore volunteer”, which involves helping price merchandise, organizing the showroom, assisting with moving donations, sorting clothing, and much more! If that doesn't suit you, there is always the “lunch bunch volunteer”, which provides lunch to the hardworking construction or restore volunteers. By being a lunch bunch volunteer you can donate funds for a lunch, reach out to a local restaurant for donations, purchase lunch, or even just make a sandwich! If you like to be indoors, you can also be an “office volunteer”. In this position you would work in the administrative office assisting staff with several projects such as, assembling newsletters and solicitation letters, assisting with data entry, filing, and answering phones. There is never a dull moment here and any help that they could get, would be VERY appreciated! For more information on volunteer hours and applications, please visit the website above!





 Helping those that cannot help themselves is a rewarding and amazing thing. Nu-Hope Elder Care Services is a great place to start, if you think that it is your calling to help others. There are many ways to help the Nu-Hope organization including donating, volunteering, and shopping in the thrift store. If you are interested in volunteering there are many things that they need help with including assisting in the thrift stores, providing activities at their meal sites, delivering meals, doing administrative paperwork, and helping with the website, newsletters, and fundraisers. To learn more about ways you can help, make sure to visit their website listed above!



Another great way to help the elderly in the community is by volunteering at Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels is an organization that delivers nutritious meals by providing a healthy diet and ensures that the members of the community are getting proper nutrition. They also do house visits, just to check up on someone. Everyone needs a friend every once in a while. They also do safety checks, to make sure that any seniors and/or home bound citizens are not forgotten. If you are interested in this very worthy cause, Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteer drivers to deliver meals to their clients. More information is available if you visit the link above.



If you like the arts and love to watch people preform, or even preform yourself, then the Highlands Little Theatre is the place for you! Volunteers are always needed and appreciated! During the day, volunteers help with virtually all aspects of theatre management. There is lots to get done, but as long as you are happy and willing, then it is a great time! Make sure to visit the website above for more information!


Of course, these are just a few suggestions of places to volunteer at. There are MANY more in Highlands County and surrounding areas, and there is never a shortage of work to be done. If you are interested in volunteering at any of the listings above, please contact them to get the process started!

We are so lucky to have volunteers in our community always ready and willing to help!
Thank you for all that you do!

Be sure to leave us a comment down below of YOUR favorite places to volunteer! You might give someone else new inspiration.


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