
Sebring Voted... April Showers...


With April showers come may flowers. We've already had a few good rains this year, and May is here so you can expect to see all sorts of flowers starting to show. We recently placed a poll on the website that asked you, “Whats your favorite flower?”


Orchids came in first with 24%


Tulips running in second with 19%


Daisies had 14%


Roses had 10%


Sun Flowers had 10%


Hygrangeas had 10%


Hibiscus' had 10%


Lilies had 5%


But no matter your favorite flower, they are all beautiful in their own way. And there are some flowers that thrive better in our environment than others, including:


There are twenty-four different kinds of milkweed native to Florida, two of which only grow in Florida. They bloom small and close together and flowers in springtime and in the summer. Different breeds can thrive either indoors or outdoors, so make sure you do your research ahead of time.

Purple Coneflower
Even though the purple coneflower is native to Florida, you may have trouble finding the plant or the seeds. They are the perfect addition to a garden needing some pops of color! The flower itself is four feet tall, so its going to make an impression!

Canna lily
Canna lilies have blossoms ranging in color from red to yellow and even to white. A popular variety in South Florida is deep red with orange tones, similar to a hibiscus. This flower, however, requires constant care and is not a self-sufficient flower. Regular watering, fertilization and pruning of dying and dead leaves are essential, but they will look beautiful when you are done!

Beach sunflower
This flower is great for landscaping, and it is better if it is out in front so that it is the first thing someone sees. They bloom and look similar to daisies. And whats even better, is that they are resilient in almost any climate. They can withstand humidity, salt, and even some drought (not that Florida suffers much from that).


For more information, and maybe a few more suggestions on native Florida plants, click the links below!











Be sure to leave us a comment letting us know which flowers are your favorite!




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